Media Kit

A couple of resources and guidelines for using the Redux brand.

Short description

Redux is the options framework for everyone. Create panels and interfaces for themes and plugins that work everywhere.


The Redux marks include the Redux name and logo, and any word, phrase, image, or other designation that identifies the source or origin of Redux. Please don’t alter any of our marks.

The full Redux logo should be used in the vast majority of use-cases. Our icon – the “X” – should be used only within user interfaces.


Iris Blue (#00a7e5) is Redux’s primary color. White (#ffffff) is the preferred background to the color logo, while Black Pearl (#011627) is the preferred background for the white logo. Standard black (#000000) is also acceptable with the white logo as well. Light Sea Green (#26b0a6) may also be used as a call to action color, but should not be used accept as an accent on a design containing the primary marks.

Black Pearl

Iris Blue


Light Sea Green

Extra Fine Print

If you want to use our makes in other ways that may not be listed here, please contact us at [email protected]. Be sure to send any mockups of your intended use.

The Do’s

  • Make sure there’s plenty of space around the Redux logo
  • Use the full Redux logo in most cases
  • Use the “X” icon sparingly

The Don’ts

  • Alter these files in any way
  • Suggest sponsorship or endorsement by Redux
  • Use these assets as part of your own product’s name


Please reach out to [email protected] for press questions, comments, interview requests or anything else. We’ll be happy to help in any way we can.

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